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To families that live on Long Island:


We are conducting a research study for adolescent girls and boys and their parents called the PIGMENT Project at Stony Brook University.  To give you a little background, PIGMENT stands for Pediatric Imaging: Measuring Neuromelanin Trajectories.  It's a research project for boys and girls ages 14-17 years-old and one of their parents or guardians.  It involves visiting the Stony Brook University campus three times over three years for a few hours each time.  Both teen and parent are paid for their time.  


The visit for teens involves an interview about their emotional well-being, self-report surveys about their personality and daily life, and an MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging).  The participating parent is also interviewed about their own emotional well-being and the well-being of their teen. All answers are kept confidential.


If teens complete all parts of the project they would be paid a total of $200 (plus any money and gift cards they win) and their parent would be paid a total of $50.00. The future study visits will also be compensated.


We hope the information we gather can eventually help psychologists to provide better guidance for teens and their families, and for educators to design better school programs. We hope to encourage and support positive growth in future teens to make adolescence a smoother transition into adulthood. 


Please let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to hear more about the project via email or by phone: (631) 371-2631 or email us at  Thank you again for your interest in assisting our project!



Greg Perlman, PhD

Assistant Professor

Stony Brook University


(631) 371-2631

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